The Lodge Lake

Lodge Lake Rules.
3. All litter, whether yours or not must be placed in bins provided or taken home.
4. No fixed rigs - All rigs must eject the lead when needed and also be fish friendly, leadcore is allowed.
5. All alcohol must be consumed in moderation, anyone found intoxicated will be asked to leave.
6. No illegal substances to be consumed on site, anyone found under the influence will be asked to leave.
7. All fish to be returned to the water or transported from the water in a sling or collapsed net, No carrying fish by hand.
8. Barbless hooks and micro barbed to be used.
9. No rods to be left un-attended - even with receiver.
10. No nuts to be used.
11. No fish to be held over 8 inches from the ground at anytime, including whilst taking photos.
12. No floating baits or float fishing.
13. All anglers must stick to the pegs provided and be courteous to all other anglers.
14. All cars must stick to the tracks provided and no parking on the grass.
15. No under 18's are allowed
16. No Baitboats
The picture to the left is an outline of the pegs that are available on the lodge lake.
We now have 5 pods on the Lodge Lake
As you can see pegs 3,4,5,6 are in the deeper water with the higher numbers being the shallows.
We'd always recommend fishing the margins as over 65% of the fish are caught this way
The LODGE LAKE is our flagship Specimen lake. It's just under 5 acres in size with 12 spacious swims. Each swim is a clean spacious chipped area with each one different and unique.
The lake has undergone a structured stocking policy over the past few years and the fish now being produced are superb. IN 2009 A E fisheries stocked the lake with 100 Carp between 12lb and 24lb and more recently in 2011 40 of Simmo's C4's (ave 12lb) were stocked along with 50 growers and 50 of our own stock. To top this of, in 2013 an additional 20 x 20lb fish have been stocked, and this Winter another 20 x 17-20lb Carp have been added. That's now over 60 twenties and 250 high doubles. Over 15 of these fish have now grown on to over 30lb!!
The lodge lake currently has 30 fish over 30lb. The lake record being 39lb